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Get A Great Website That
builds Builds Your Business









Then edit future changes right on your live website and publish with a simple click.
Without the need of a developer!


Select Projects

Built with

Joe Web Builder Logo.
Hard hat with a keyboard underneath it.

Kbar Beauty LLC

This project for Kbar Beauty LLC involved creating a visually appealing website that seamlessly integrates with for booking and payments. I added a comprehensive sorting and filtering page to enhance user experience. The site includes page and element animations to captivate visitors. Significant SEO efforts ensured the site reached the top 3 organic search rankings shortly after launch. Additionally, the site highlights that the proprietor is a Master Esthetician with 7 years of experience and a licensed instructor, setting her apart from regular estheticians.

screenshots of the Kbar Beauty website
Decorative Dots
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Paradise Car Rentals

This was a project to create a Landing Page for the company's offering of a Jeep Wrangler rental in Saint George, Utah. The company rents its vehicles exclusively through TURO.COM an online booking system. The company has no other website or way to market their vehicle rentals other than though TURO, so this was an attempt to acquire and drive traffic to that booking page.

Montague of the this companies website.
Decorative Dots
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Howard Painting & Welding, LLC.

Howard P&W was a development project with some simple design elements. Included were two custom lightbox carousels to showcase previous painting and welding projects. The site also includes a contact form as well as a nice smattering of creative timings and fade in's to keep the users attention.

Montage of the Ron Howard website
Decorative Dots
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Beehive Learning Academy, Inc.

Beehive's website underwent a complete rebuild and redesign to position them as a high-quality school, distinct from their competitors. The site conveys professionalism and guides parents through the enrollment process. I implemented strong SEO strategies for top search rankings and integrated an AirTable CRM to capture and alert the owner of prospect inquiries.

Montage of the Beehive Learning Academy website
Decorative Dots
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Team App website

This Team App is a homepage design and build for a concept project – a chat application. I designed the page first then built a responsive web page using Webflow.

Montage of the Team App demo website
Decorative Dots
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Chat App website

This Chat App is a homepage design and build for a concept project – a chat application. I designed the page first in Figma then built a responsive web page using Webflow.

Montague of the Chat App demo website.
Decorative Dots
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Services Offered

What can I build for you?

I'll construct your website, landing page, and/or digital campaign using some of the most modern tools available.

Joe Web Builder Logo.
Hard hat with a keyboard underneath it.
Our Process

How will I build it?

The following describes our collaborative construction process.
Get your hardhat on!

Discovery Meeting

Laying the foundation
A word cloud collage centered around the word idea. Similar words and synonyms surround that word.

During this phase we'll discuss

  1. Your goals,
  2. your products or services,
  3. your target audience, and
  4. our budget.

By exploring these areas, we can ideate a website that will attract and retain visitors, optimize conversion rates, and strengthen your brand identity.

UX Design +
Content Strategy

Let the blueprinting begin!
Image of a sketchbook with a website design wireframed thereon. Pen on pager. Calendar to the left. On wooden desk.

During this phase, we will be creating the framework or blueprint for your new website based on the insights gained from our discovery meeting and the research we will conduct on your market and competitors. Our goal will be to enhance the user experience, set you apart from your competition, and effectively convey your product or service through its content.

Visual Design (UI)

Style Guide

Our next step will involve translating the developed structure into a visual direction that aligns with your brand and effectively communicates your products or services. Think of this as deciding on what kind of paint, colors, textures, mood, lighting, and furniture would be planned for your new (digital) home. We'll use your or develop a new style guide to ensure brand constancy throughout your site.

Webflow Development

The construction zone!
Thumbnail image showing the Webflow designer with representative website.

The time has arrived to create your custom and responsive website according to your requirements using Webflow's tailor-made development and web design platform. In addition, we offer Webflow's CMS, enabling you as the client the ability to make easy and effortless content updates!

Launching + Training

Open house and walkthrough..
Image within an mock photo showing a graphic of a little white home on grey background.  Next to that image are the words Open House.  On top of the mock photo is a key with a red bow attached.

We'll provide you with the tools and training to manage your new website. It'll be time to hand you the keys to your new digital home and invite the world in to see it. At this point we'll also offer you additional opportunities for enhanced SEO, SMO, PPC, and maintenance services.